Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome Note

  • 02

    Lean Methodology, Tools and Concepts

    • Lecture 1 - Introduction to Lean Methodology

    • Lecture 2 - Lean Concepts and Tools

  • 03

    Introduction to Six Sigma Approach

    • Lecture 3 - Six Sigma Philosophy - An Overview

  • 04

    Define Phase

    • Lecture 4 - Introduction to Define Phase

    • Lecture 5 - Deliverables of the Define Phase - I

    • Lecture 6 - Deliverables of the Define Phase - II

  • 05

    Measure Phase

    • Lecture 7 - Introduction to Measure Phase

    • Lecture 8 - Process Analysis

    • Lecture 9 - Organization & Representation of Data - I

    • Lecture 10 - Organization & Representation of Data - II

    • Lecture 11 - Six Sigma Statistics

    • Lecture 12 - Measurement Systems Analysis

    • Lecture 13 - Process Capability Analysis

  • 06

    Analyze Phase

    • Lecture 14 - Analyzing & Interpreting Data - I

    • Lecture 15 - Analyzing & Interpreting Data - II

  • 07

    Improve Phase

    • Lecture 16 - Quest for Process Improvement - I

    • Lecture 17 - Quest for Process Improvement - II

  • 08

    Control Phase

    • Lecture 18 - Statistical Process Control - I

    • Lecture 19 - Statistical Process Control - II

    • Lecture 20 - Institutionalizing the New Process

  • 09

    Final Exam

    • Final Exam


Kashan Awais, MBA, CPHR, CTMP, ICBB is an experienced business professional. He holds an MBA from HEC Montreal. He also holds multiple professional designations / certifications in the areas of Lean Six Sigma, Human Resources and Talent Management. He has over two decades of work experience in a variety of organizations and settings. The Lean Six Sigma training series developed by him is tailored to the needs of practical business applications and problem solving.

Kashan Awais

President & CEO, Naburva
